Over the years it takes its toll in quantity and quality of dream. To compensate for this aging loss, experts give these guidelines:
- The rest even without sleep is important. Give yourself a daily moment of passivity without stimulation or activity of any kind.

- The naps are beneficial, but should not be too long. Between 10 and 20 minute nap (morning or afternoon), preferably in a dark room (not watching TV), are the most advisable option.
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- To avoid the early awakenings, Common from age 50, try a later bedtime (e.g., postponing dinner) and get to bed physically tired / a (e.g., taking a long walk before dinner).

- If you did not feel too alert or nervous / at night and know that it will cost you fall asleep / it despite your fatigue, uses a relaxation exercise that will help you out of your recurring thoughts (breathing depth is one of the most effective).

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It's a natural response of the body when not enough rest or no change in style or lifestyle, and when problems at home, school or work. Produces anxiety and can affect any age. When a person suffers from stress is greater risk of minor illnesses such as cold or cough, because the emotional state reduces the body's defenses.

* Pace of life.
* Devote most time to work and put aside recreation.
* Changes in lifestyle caused by the birth of a child, death of a loved one, divorce or job loss.
* Exposure to noise sources.
* Problems in school work and home.
* Enough sleep, anxiety and depression.
* Drug use.

Most often, stress is associated with negative events or thoughts, which are difficult experiences that most people find unpleasant, frightening, or anxiety-producing. Stress may result from teasing by peers, being bullied, anxiety about homework or tests, disappointment about not achieving a goal, encountering unfamiliar people or places, or efforts to cram too many activities into too little time. Job stress and caregiver stress often fall into this category.

* Anxiety.
* Frustration.
* Irritability.
* Insomnia.
* Memory impairment.
* Headache and muscle.
* Lack of appetite.
* Fatigue
* When a person smokes and is common in this state is to increase the number of cigarettes consumed.
* Children can suffer the symptoms mentioned above, except memory impairment.

* Can be determined that a person does not perform under stress when efficiently their daily activities and lost enthusiasm for them.
* The diagnosis is made based on these signs, take into account the clinical history and examination is performed to know the cause that produces stress.

* Cope.
* Relaxation helps block stress.
* Physical exercise and breathing relieves nervousness.
* Sleeping 6 to 8 hours daily.
* Arrange each of the daily activities.
* Vitamin supplements and food strengthens the body and help counteract the tiredness or fatigue

* We recommend taking natural calming herbal teas counter to control nervousness, anxiety, and irritability.
* There are some medications indicated for insomnia, which does not require a prescription.
* Headache and muscle can be relieved with nonprescription pain.
* You can use relaxation techniques to reduce muscle tension.
* Establish an exercise routine.
* Take a warm bath for 30 minutes.
* The music controls nervousness.
* If stress causes an increase in the number of cigarettes consumed, you can use the snuff deshabituantes not require a prescription.
* When a child has stress, it is best to try to live in a quiet (no noise, with soft music and avoiding discussions), to induce him to playing sports, and may even resort to relaxation techniques (e.g. yoga).
* Sometimes, especially if stress is durable, it is advisable to go to a psychiatric or psychological therapy.
Always talk to your doctor.

Get more information on stress remedies for chronic fatigue treatment. Also get useful remedies for mood swings treatment.

What to do when the menstrual cycle coincides with a holiday, honeymoon, or final exams so long planned trip? There is a method which, without causing major problems, can advance the rule and avoid the discomfort interfere with those moments of joy, know it!

Although it is known that 90% of women have ever had pains or cramps caused by menstruation (called dysmenorrheal), disgust or bad times may be higher as it is contemplated that the rule can appear on dates that will interfere with major events that require the best shape of the female. The fact may not be as catastrophic as the cycle can be changed so that the dates are not spliced, of this talk about next.

To understand this is important to make some clarifications about menstruation. The female reproductive organs are lodged in the womb; however, its operation is regulated by the pituitary gland, which sends a signal to the ovaries at the end of menstruation to increase hormone production and maturation of eggs.

At the same time, the lining of the uterus (endometrial) begins to prepare to receive an egg, which after a week off and begins its journey through the fallopian tubes into the uterus or womb. If during this period (seven days) is not fertilized, pass through the body along with the endometrial, a process that is in the form of bleeding and is known as menstruation.

If fertilization does not occur the rule and the egg is implanted in the uterus by the action of hormones, also originates a signal that prevents the pituitary "direct" egg maturation.

On the other hand, it is important to clarify that the menstrual cycle begins with the first day of bleeding and ends just before the next rule, a process that lasts, on average, 28 days.

How change it?
The most effective way to advance menstruation is continuously ingesting oral contraceptives, in other words, starting from the 8th and 10th day of the cycle the woman takes two pills every 12 hours for five consecutive days. Between the 2nd and 3rd day after taking the last pill will present the usual bleeding.

What has been done is to advance (you will never delay) the start of the next cycle about 10 days, which has no impact on the overall health of women. However, because it is a process that alters the rules of nature should be referred to him as usual, but sporadically and under the supervision of a gynecologist.

The method owes its success to progesterone oral contraceptives, hormone that naturally produces the female body and is responsible for preparing the uterine lining for implantation of the fertilized egg, but found in high amounts (which is the objective taking several pills) does inhibit scaling and removal of endometrial tissue, i.e. the bleeding stops along the days when pills are administered and resumes 2 or 3 days later by the decrease in blood hormone levels, kicking off a new cycle.

Are there side effects?

Although mentioned earlier that advance the rule are to avoid some inconvenience, should be made clear that they will not disappear entirely, especially in those who consume pills for the first time. Thus, we can mention that there will be no bleeding, but it is possible that during the days to take the tablets may experience dizziness, vomiting, breast tenderness, fluid retention, headache, muscle weakness, cramps, fatigue, nervousness or swollen belly.

It is clear that each body reacts differently to the presence of excessive hormones, and some will present one or more of the above symptoms, or none. However, they can put into practice some tips to help reduce symptoms, such as reducing salt, sugar, coffee and alcohol to relieve bloating, nervousness, breast tenderness and fluid retention, also should restrict intake foods containing fat, exercise and administer an analgesic light that addresses pain or cramps to prevent and relieve discomfort.

Well, now there is more than identifying the start date of the next menstrual period to find out which day starts the administration of oral contraceptives, but remember, always consult your gynecologist before taking the pills.

Natural Guide on Irregular Menstruation Treatment and Irregular Periods Remedies. Also get more information on how to prevent menstrual discomfort

Unfortunately the joy of parenting is not satisfied in all couples, because many factors influence fertility is not present in any of its members. In particular, women may experience some anomalies that the specialist should evaluate.

In some women it is easy to detect and resolve problems that prevent pregnancy, but unfortunately not so in all cases. However, to confirm extensive evaluation is necessary to know the cause of the problem and from that point further treatment.

Fortunately, today there are several options for the majority of infertile couples to enjoy the joy of parenting, such as advanced reproductive techniques, and in latter case, adoption.

However, before reaching this we must make a series of tests that will determine whether the failure of gestation due to an abnormality in the body of the partners.

Especially man must comply with a general physical examination, to know their health status, and an analysis of semen-called-spermatobioscopy to evaluate viscosity, macroscopic and microscopic appearance, level of acidity (pH), as well as the account and sperm motility, must be performed after 2 to 3 days of sexual abstinence.

In turn, the female exam starts with careful clinical history will be recorded in the personal and family history of conditions in general. It will also be necessary to know the age at which was presented first menstruation (menarche), the frequency of subsequent, sexual history and emotional relationship of the couple.

Then there will be a gynecological examination to rule changes that could prevent pregnancy, from the absence of organs to malformations in the vagina and uterus or womb.

It is important to know...

Overall, the gynecologist can assess the presence of fertility problems if after about a year of constant sexual activity the couple could not conceive. From the above, the specialist will indicate the following tests:
Evidence of insemination. It asks the couple having sex in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and between 2 and 20 hours were extracted with a pipette (a kind of funnel-shaped spoon) a drop of cervical mucus, which can be seen at microscope to check for motile sperm, opening the possibility of pregnancy. This test is done in the doctor's office, is painless and takes just minutes.

Thyroid profile. It measures the potential imbalance in thyroid hormones, which determines how nutrients are utilized by the body and most organs do their job properly. Most commonly, the doctor ordered if you have any suspicion about any change, such as growth or glandular nodules (tumor).

Hormonal profile. This test will determine the optimal functioning of sex hormones, as there is the possibility that pregnancy does not occur in the absence or irregularity in ovulation, which may be related to poor quality of cervical mucus resulting from hormonal changes, this problem occurs frequently in obese women, a condition that produces insulin resistance (occurs but is not used and tends to accumulate) and causes loss of contact between the pituitary gland (regulates ovulation, among other functions) and ovaries.

Hysterosalpingography. X-ray of female genital tract is performed with an empty bladder, after the end of menstruation and before ovulation. A substance is injected visible to X-rays, vaginally, to cover the cervix and fallopian tubes in order to detect uterine scar tissue, polyps (surveys of the uterine lining), fibroids (benign tumors) or abnormalities in the cavity uterine abnormalities that may interfere with embryo implantation or may increase the incidence of abortion, occurring in approximately 5% of infertile women. The test does not require anesthesia, although some patients report some discomfort.

Hysteroscopy. It involves inserting an optical instrument (usually fiber optic) and cannula (tube of special material) vaginally to examine the uterus and the presence of polyps, septum (abnormal formation of tissue that can divide the uterus) and fibroids (tissue in the wall of the uterus), these abnormalities are usually corrected surgically during the same clinic visit. Although usually performed under general or local anesthesia, after the procedure patients experience discomfort subsides with medication. When removing the hysteroscope, a sample (biopsy) of endometrium (tissue lining the inner walls of the uterus) to confirm the day of the menstrual cycle is consistent with the statement by the patient.

Falloscopy. Special equipment is used to determine if the fallopian tubes are blocked, a fact that is the cause of approximately 35% of all infertility problems. It is performed under anesthesia and an optical fiber is placed in each tube through the vagina. High percentage of cases the problem can be corrected by surgery, but if the intervention does not provide positive results the best hope of a successful pregnancy is offered in vitro fertilization, assisted reproduction method that involves removing eggs and sperm, structures that are united in the laboratory to result in an embryo that will later be implanted in the uterus to develop.

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Laparoscopy. Used to look inside the abdomen and internal genitalia. Following general anesthesia an incision in the navel and one in the lower abdomen, then carbon dioxide is injected into the area to extend and divert the intestine possible. The laparoscope (thin device equipped with tiny camera) is inserted through the first cut and the second probe is placed, allowing the doctor to view the abdominal cavity through a monitor, which serves as a guide for handling surgical instruments. Enables display tubes, uterus and ovaries, and allows biopsy, suction and electrocoagulated adhesions (undo applying small electric shocks) endometriosis, a condition characterized by the formation of small cysts in the endometrial, causing enlargement in the matrix.

Endometrial biopsy. Is performed in the office and involves removing a small sample of the endometrial. It takes about 10 minutes and takes place between 1 and 3 days before the onset of menstruation. Allows diagnosis of whether ovulation and hormone levels in the second half of the cycle are normal. It also serves to determine if the uterus is free from infection or inflammation.

Other problems that can cause failure of pregnancy in women are the presence of infections in the reproductive organs, which are usually transmitted by sexual contact. The clearest example and that claims more victims every day, is cervical cancer, a condition caused by human papillomavirus, genital warts which way that will lead to the deadly disease.

To rule out suspected, the doctor will prescribe the Pap test, which allows a collection of mucus in the vagina and cervix for microscopic examination and determine the presence of any condition. Also, diagnosis may require colposcopy, simple procedure for exploring the female reproductive tract using a speculum, which allows the visualization of tissues in the area through a modified microscope called a colposcope.

You can help
Irregular or abnormal ovulation is the cause of approximately 25% of infertility cases. However, make a record of basal body temperature is a simple and inexpensive to tell if a woman ovulates, the same procedure can be performed.

To affect this, the woman must take her temperature orally every morning, as soon as you wake up, for a minimum period of one month, and record the record. During the days of ovulation are increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which causes the body temperature to rise about half a degree (between 13 and 16).

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries after ovulation, which transforms the lining of the uterus in a receptive environment for implantation and nutrition of the fertilized egg.

If no ovulation, typically the temperature remains relatively stable. Note that factors unrelated to the reproductive cycle, such as cold or fatigue, can affect the registration.

Another method of identifying the fertile days is checked daily cervical mucus secretion, through the vagina a piece of toilet paper, which at first is yellowish-white, thick and cloudy, which means that in those days there fertility. Once the cervical mucus becomes transparent color and sticky consistency (similar to egg white) can ensure that reached the fertile period, which usually lasts between 3 to 5 days and when these conditions are present, the sperm can spend more easily into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

After this time no fertility and secretion changes again becoming milky, or disappears.

It is not uncommon that infertility repercussion on relationships, and for that to surface cause anger, sadness, guilt and anxiety. Share these feelings with family and friends are not easy, which often leads to isolation. If it is the responsibility of the physician to clarify the likelihood of pregnancy, the couple will decide how far wants to go in their attempts to conceive.

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A stroke can have serious repercussions and even lead to death. The first sign of their presence can be severe headache, beware!

In the simplest way to explain that the stroke (or stroke) is the damage caused by interruption of blood supply to the brain. Its causes are diverse, but it is important that high percentages are due to bad habits that are preventable and the problem is mainly due to:
Thrombosis. Progressive narrowing and blockage of an artery in the brain or neck, usually due to accumulation of cholesterol, fatty compound produced by the body and is responsible (among other things) to regulate the operation of certain hormones, enters the body by containing foods (red meat, eggs, seafood and most dairy products, mainly).

Embolism. Blockage of an artery in the brain or neck by a blood clot may form elsewhere in the body (usually the heart) and is transported by the bloodstream to the head.

Hemorrhage. Rupture of an artery in the brain or brain surface, which may be due to an aneurysm (thin, weak area of the artery wall) or a malformation, with which it is born, the circulatory system that supplies the brain. The bloodshed may occur inside the brain or the space between it and the outer protective membrane.

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An estimated 60% of cases of stroke due to thrombosis, and 40% are divided between strokes and bleeding. However, statistics show that 50% of future cases can be avoided if you follow doctor's orders and amending certain harmful habits in lifestyle, which directly influence the risk factors:
High cholesterol and overweight. The excess of this compound fat can be deposited in artery walls and cause the blockage of these vessels due to thrombosis, in turn excess weight strains the entire circulatory system and predisposes the person to other risk factors, as high blood pressure (hypertension). It is understood that should go to a nutritionist who prescribed the diet to improve the physical condition and thus reduce the problems mentioned here, as far as possible avoiding charlatans and opportunists who may endanger health.

Hypertension. High blood pressure damages artery walls and can increase bleeding, it favors the formation of "plugs" of blood that cause stroke; this problem may increase from 2 to 6 times the risk of stroke. To avoid major problems is essential to follow certain precautions, such as eating balanced diet, eating fruit, maintain proper weight and exercise. You should only resort to prescription drugs.

Atrial Fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the name given to the irregular heart rhythm that occurs in the left atrium (left upper chamber of the heart), which can get to beat up to 400 times per minute when you will usually be between 60 and 100 contractions long term, untreated AF can also weaken the heart and cause heart attack. Always consult a cardiologist for treatment, and in no way to stop.

Smoking. Compounds that are inhaled by smoking cigarette or cigar considerable damage to tissues that are on their way to the lungs, including blood vessels and arteries, causing hardening of the walls, and thereby forces the heart to work more than normal blood pressure rise. Smoking also makes blood clot more easily, increasing the risk of causing obstructions. This bad habit cans double the risk of stroke, so it is imperative to stop.

Remember also that there are other risk factors for stroke that is impossible to change, including:
* Diabetes. Circulatory problems associated with the disease may increase the risk of stroke even if tightly control blood sugar and insulin.
* Age. The risk of stroke doubles every 10 years after 35 years of age.
* Heritage. Family history of stroke indicates increased risk for the person.
* Race. Negroid descent people have twice the risk of stroke than other racial groups.
* Gender. Men have slightly higher stroke risk for women.

In addition to these risk factors, stroke also related to alcohol consumption (especially when drinking excessive quantities) and the combined use of oral contraceptives with high estrogen and snuff for women over 30 years of age.

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Many computer users report problems in hands, wrists and even elbows, because the use of keyboard and mouse strains and overuse cause which in turn generate pain that limits the ability to work properly.

The most common complication is called "mouse elbow" and carpal tunnel syndrome, which is inflammation of the tendons close to the median nerve (responsible for movement of the thumb, index and middle), which compress them. The result is the sensation of tingling in the fingers, wrist pain, loss of strength in the hand and even some discomfort in the elbow.

It should be mentioned that this problem occurs mostly in people whose anatomy favors the appearance of the disease (in them is very narrow carpal tunnel, through which the median nerve that connects the fingers to the elbow), and after spending much time using the keyboard with bad position of the wrists.

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To avoid this inconvenience, we recommend the following measures:
* Employ keyboard with an inclination of 10 to 15 degrees, to prevent the forced movement of the joints. This can be seen when it is appreciated that the midline (where the letters "A", "S" and "D") does not rise more than 3 centimeters from the work surface.
* The keyboard has to be stable and not slip. Nor should require much effort to put pressure on the keys.
* Ensure that is aligned directly below the monitor, but slightly oriented toward the right. Taken as reference using the "F" and "J", with small raised dots, as the corresponding index fingers should be on them.
* Also, make sure the keyboard is placed near the edge of the table and make room for comfortably supporting arms and hands, to reduce pressure on the wrists. Also avoid working with the arms outstretched.
* If you must spend many hours at the computer, you can use an ergonomic keyboard, which offers more opportunity for hands off.
* As for the mouse, take care that its shape fits the curve of your hand.
* Take it with a relaxed hand, do not hold hard and use your whole arm to move it.
* You must allow fingers and hand resting on it without activating unexpectedly.
* Should not impart much strength to operate it.
* It is recommended that is easy to slide and, in case of using Mouse Pad, This should facilitate and not impede movement.
* If required, look for a mouse whose management is possible for right-handers.

It is also advised to rest your hands regularly, preferably once every hour. To do this, you can make gentle circular movements with your wrists in both directions, and finger stretch and contract. It is also important to flex, extend, and occasionally the arms down, and pressure a stress ball or sponge to remove stress on the joints and muscles.

Last words
Other factors that while no direct impact on the position used when working on computer increase the tension and stress, creating anxiety and irritation. We refer to sounds that produce too disturbing other systems such as printer, fax and even radio or television.

We suggest as far as possible away from noise sources, avoid music at a very high and preferably use inkjet printers or laser instead of the point, because although they may be a little more expensive less noise and, for labor, are faster and achieve better definition.

Moreover, it is advisable to keep well ventilated place of work and ensure that the temperature is not excessively high or low, as well as cause discomfort, extreme climates favor drowsiness, anxiety and restlessness. Also, excessive moisture in the air can cause dryness of mucous membranes and respiratory complaints such as tingling in the throat or coughing small, so avoid it if possible.

Finally, we recommend interrupting your routine and give variety to the tasks throughout the day, so that does not work in the same position or perform the same activities with their hands for more than two consecutive hours. Consider short rests not waste time, in contrast, will help increase your performance while you avoid problem.

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Many doctors suggest that another factor causing muscle aches and spine problems is stress. Hardly the best will do any good chair, a keyboard tailored and an adjustable table if you work eight hours a day at the computer in a state of stress and forcing their limbs.

It is therefore good that the design work luger and body position are conjugated to reduce overwork and work or play as relaxed as possible. It is also recommended to pause, stretch your legs, do not change position to force the back muscles, relax the shoulders and neck position.

Thus, although each individual has personal preferences, it agrees that the best sitting posture at the computer is where:
* The thighs and calves remain horizontal vertical, forming an angle of 90 °.
* Between the angle of the knee and the edge of the chair is a minimum distance of 10 centimeters.
* The arms are vertical and forearms horizontal, forming a right angle at the elbow.
* Forearms and hands are straight, parallel to the floor.
* The elbows lightly touch the side, but not oppress the trunk, and wrists are in a natural position without bending over.
* Spine remains straight. For this, the trunk should not bend (do not lean too far to the sides, front or back) and lower back region (lumbar) is easily recharged.
* They support the soles of the feet comfortably on the floor. If the chair is too high, use a footrest.
* The body is trapped between the chair and table.
* Finally, put your fingertips the material often used (books, magazines, sheet, ruler, pen, pencil, dictionary, etc.).

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Eye Care
Another of the great fears about the use of this technological tool lies in the effects it can have the monitor in the sense of sight, because after staring at it for several hours can be irritated and dry eyeballs, and blurred vision and inability to focus.

The truth is that the use of the computer, rather than create problems; it shows that already existed but were not diagnosed as astigmatism (visual loss due to distortion or irregularity in the curvature of the cornea), myopia (difficult to observe objects that are far away) and hyperopic (difficulty distinguishing nearby objects).

Should also be noted that other factors which impede the view, for example, the dryness may be due to heating, air conditioning, poor lighting, makeup or contact lens wear, and irritation can be caused by the depletion of eye muscles, which are always tired to stay in one position or not getting adequate rest, as often happens to students in the delivery period of final papers use the computer much and sleep little.

Thus, we can cite the following tips regarding eye care while using the computer:
* Before working on a computer or to detect vision problems after spending many hours in front of monitor you have to undergo an ophthalmologic examination.
* Keep the monitor at 70 inches (arm's length) of his face about, and never less than 40. Try to remain at a height slightly below the normal line of sight. In addition, their position is against the user, and not on the side.
* Work with anti-glare screen monitors to avoid annoying flashes that remain readable and require constant accommodation of vision.
* Adjust the brightness and contrast to suit environmental conditions.
* Make sure the screen is always clean, because fingerprints and dirt also cause ocular reflexes and effort. Also, if you wear contact lenses or frame, always keep them neat to improve visibility.
* Never work in a dark room, and ensure that the general light source in the room is higher than the monitor.
* The main light should be diffuse, i.e. not have to fall squarely on the screen and must be either behind or in front of the user.
* Ensure that your workplace is moderately away from heating and air conditioning.
* If you use books or documents, should put on a stand at the same height of the screen and next to it, in this way not move up or down constantly head to look, and reduces eyestrain.
* At work, use fonts of well defined size allowing read without effort, with adequate space between lines, preferably black on white.
* Provide five-minute breaks every hour. During these brief pauses in activity to the muscles of your eyes, moving smoothly from one place to another and alternately focusing objects that are near and far.
* Another exercise that provides excellent break is simply to close his eyes, placing the palms of his hands on them without pressure.
* It is also very useful to sit correctly and look ahead, then without moving your head, look away everything to the left and then right.
* If dry eye is very strong, you can use eye drops or ophthalmic solutions to restore moisture and provide relief

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Menstruation is still today the occasion of several controversies, primarily in that it is the worst time to have sex, do you think so?, The fact is that the chances of pregnancy are slim, but involve risk and can have serious health complications.

Since 19th century it is not clear that menstruation is caused by the reproductive glands (ovaries) and fertilization hormonal cycles. What happens is that roughly about every 28 days, the ovaries release a mature egg (gamete or sex cell) to be fertilized during sexual intercourse by a sperm and initiates pregnancy.

If the egg is not fertilized as it travels through a fallopian tube into the uterus or womb (cavity that can accommodate the fetus until birth), the coating of it, known as endometrial, and it follows discarded, together with the egg through the vagina leading to bleeding or menstruation, which lasts 3 to 5 days.

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Most women experience 1 or 2 days before menstruation premenstrual syndrome, which is a set of complaints that include headaches, breast pain, muscle weakness, fluid retention, abdominal cramps, constipation or diarrhea, fatigue, nervousness and swollen belly, these discomforts usually disappear within hours after the onset of menstrual flow, or the second day of bleeding.

In fact the fluid that is secreted is transparent, but is mixed with small amount of blood and endometrial tissue fragments covering the matrix, making it uncomfortable for many people, including large numbers of women-, even to think that because waste product secreted who is a dirty person.

Nevertheless, studies on female sexuality that ensures that millions of women are increased sexual desire during menstruation, and to make love during those days will relieve colic, breast and belly swelling, plus it will produce more intense orgasms, we must clarify that this does not happen in all females.

The explanation given by the researchers this is based on the confidence that having sex on the days of bleeding, because the absence of egg that could be fecund able the chances of pregnancy are nil.

Is it okay?
Keep in mind that although fertilization is unlikely to have intercourse during the days of the rule, practitioners are another risk, sexually transmitted diseases. You see, blood and semen are vehicles of microorganisms that cause hepatitis, gonorrhea or syphilis.

But today, the greatest danger lies in the possibility of developing AIDS, infection transmitted by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) using as a transport route sperm, vaginal secretions and blood. The organism is installed in cells called T4 lymphocytes (responsible for defending the body against external aggression), resulting in destruction of the immune system and consequent loss of ability to fight diseases, which have high susceptibility to submit sarcoma Kaposi (form of skin cancer), pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (rare type of pneumonia), tuberculosis and severe diarrhea. So, that in the presence of menstrual bleeding risk is latent, even when simply rub the penis against the vulva, or friction takes place between vaginas, when it comes to lesbian relationship, or to make oral or anal sex.

It is imperative, then, uses a condom from the beginning of heterosexual intercourse to avoid any exchange of fluids, or the female condom, larger than the male, and that being thin sheath of polyurethane (plastic) is set to walls of the vagina, thus preventing any contact between secretions, can be placed up to eight hours before intercourse. Also consider using dental dams or latex condoms if you have oral sex.

If the couple wants to experience, for fun or curiosity, sex during menstruation is advisable to book at the beginning or end of it, when the flow is less, and perhaps in the shower, to set aside prejudices about dirt.

Finally, some researchers point to a large extent the bad reputation that has accompanied the period to the present day by the women start avoiding mention her by name and change it, as there are for whom it remains a difficult issue. How do you know?, Some called "rule" or "period", but there are those who refer to it as "the visit", the "trickle" or "red light", among many other ways to identify it.

More information on irregular menstruation treatment and Improves sexual libido and increase sexual desire to get more sexual pleasure.

Children and adults enjoy relaxing, especially when there is sun, fresh air and fun in the spring and summer, however, stop treatment for asthma during this period can have serious consequences in the cold season. Therefore, we introduce simple measures to be taken into account to make a difference

If you are a parent or your dependents have a little with asthma, it is important that they know:
* There is no reason that justifies the suspension of treatment.
* Leaving medicine for asthma during spring and summer due to the absence of symptoms increases the likelihood of crises in cold weather, requiring even hospitalization.
* In winter, virus infections, like flu, are the main trigger of asthma attacks.

In warm weather, the absence of symptoms is the perfect opportunity to prepare small and avoid future crises. To do this, consider the following recommendations:
* If treatment was stopped without consulting a doctor, you should restart soon.
* Visit the specialist to verify that the prescribed therapy is well controlled asthma.
* Teach the little how to act in a crisis.

Ask Me Anything- Get Answer to your Health Question and Sexual problem: http://ask-me-anything-health-queries-open-sexual-answer.posterous.com

Mom, I'm not sick!

Often asthma patients stop taking their medication when they feel good, especially in summer, but the reality is that stopping treatment may put them at increased risk of asthma attack.

Sometimes crises turn out to be an isolated event, however, the majority of cases the condition occurs in repeated episodes, i.e. as a chronic disorder, which is why for many people the word "asthma" evokes the image of a continually sick individual, however, There is big difference between having asthma and always sick.

The cases vary. Some are serious, when children have many problems between one crisis and another episode mild with few symptoms for a short time, and intermediate, but follow the right treatment, as indicated by the physician, can forget the image of sick chronic and lead normal lives.

During the heating season, asthma attacks in children are usually more frequent as respiratory infections caused by viruses produce alterations in the cells lining the bronchi, leading to inflammation, increased mucus secretion and bronchial muscle stimulation that contract, thus reducing the diameter of the airways and causes symptoms.

While this reaction is less common in hot weather, and even the patient may experience no symptoms of asthma, no reason to discontinuation. There are increased risks of severe disease symptoms in the fall if the dose is reduced or abandoned medicine for asthma during the summer months.

Why I have to use medications for asthma?
Medicines for asthma long-acting are taken daily to reduce inflammation of the lungs and prevent flare-ups of the disease. Thus, although the patient may feel good, your lungs depend on the therapeutic effect of these drugs to control inflammation.

Meanwhile, those who are short-acting (rescue), should be used as the doctor says and only when immediate relief is required, and to help control the symptoms but not cure the condition.

Inform and educate the young about their condition is essential because it ensures that in future life and daily activities will not be compromised.

Get more remedies for asthma children and treatment for asthma.Information on bronchial asthma treatment