Many people are often mood swings. It is generally said that women have these changes due to menstruation. However, with the arrival of warm weather mood swings in both men as women and can be cause call spring asthenia.

Some of the symptoms of people with the disease include irritability, sadness, insomnia, severe headaches, changes in growing appetite or lack of concentration and energy.

Who's suffering and when?
Those allergic to pollen or suffering anemia (Lack of iron in the body) must be especially careful because, generally, tend to have spring asthenia. Takes place once spring comes because of changes in temperature. On sunny days cause an increased production of hormones such as serotonin and melatonin, and they play an important role in the mood swings of persons.

A little over a week has taken place time change so that the daylight hours have increased and your body needs time to assimilate these changes. If notes fatigue, Depletion or lack of energy to perform your daily activities do not worry! These symptoms are temporary and suffer one in ten people in world.

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Experts agree that the spring asthenia is a disorder transient before which no treatment is necessary. You only have to carry a healthy balanced diet. But with the pace of modern life we are not so easy to find time to sport or cooking as we should. Therefore, some people resort to natural vitamin supplements helps them gain strength and energy to meet their day to day as it deserves.

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You can find Wheat Grass Capsules at herbalcureindia.com Online Health store but ... Although this is a natural complex; we recommend that before taking it go to your doctor and follow doctor’s instructions.

Get more information on fatigue remedies for chronic fatigue treatment. Also get useful remedies for mood swings treatment.

The physiological arousal during sleep is a phenomenon that has been studied both by scientists and sexologists. We all happen to be; during sleep we experience states sexual arousal specifically manifested in men and in women. Wet Dreams may accompany by erotic dreams, where Person experience ejaculation of semen during sleep.

The erotic dreams extract images directly from our experiences. That is, our dreams are in a constant state of vigilance and feed on moods and real experiences that we face every day. Furthermore, it seems, our concerns are the starting point where you begin to weave the dreams.

In short, our dream activity says a lot about us and our sexuality. The erotic dreams can have a liberating effect because we allow our deepest impulses and often repressed locate any blockages and allowing therefore free from them.

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Dreams can have a compensatory function and that often arise from non-fulfillment of a wish or unconscious impulse.

If you dream that you have a passionate encounter with a person, is much more likely that real life has a tendency to suppress sexual urges. Thus indicates that there is a need to let go a little more and live life more free and instinctive.

To dream that you are naked not indicate a desire for exhibitionism, but a great desire freedom, to express the "I" deeper.

You might have tired of the social and cultural superstructures; you need to be completely yourself, forgetting the models and limitations imposed by the society around you. The clothing symbolizes the set of habits that we have to cover.

From a sexual point of view, the wet dream suggests a desire to get rid of practices. If you at ease mean that you feel good about yourself and your body.

The discomfort that came to being nude in public reveals the ambivalence of your mood, which is divided into desire and inhibition. The dreams reveal our unconscious fears and, if nudity causes anxiety, it means that we have difficulties in accepting our sexuality and, therefore, 100% live.

More on Nocturnal Emissions treatment and Improves sexual libido and increase sexual desire to get more sexual pleasure.

For some women the days before your period are true torment because the complaints are often severe and sometimes disabling. The consumption of some foods lessens the symptoms and follow the verbatim certain indications may even lose weight, what is probably interested.

PMS is known as the set of symptoms that affect women during the days prior to the rule, which are due to abnormal response of the organism to hormonal changes, specifically estrogen and progesterone. According to related studies, these changes cause variations in serotonin and tryptophan (neurotransmitters, i.e. substances in the brain that allow communication between neurons) involved in important processes such as mood, appetite, sleep, memory, learning, temperature, performance and muscle contractions.

Not all cases present the same symptoms, or do so with the same intensity, although breast tenderness, abdominal swelling and irritability symptoms appear to be common in most women. However, in general terms can speak of the following signs, in addition to those mentioned:
* Increased or decreased appetite.
* Fatigue.
* Difficulty concentrating.
* Headache.
* Constipation or diarrhea.
* Weight gain.
* Need to eat sweets.
* Retention.
* Sadness and depression.
* Excessive sleepiness or difficulty sleeping.
* Acne, since before the period, in some women, rising levels of androgens (hormones), resulting in stimulation of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

However, researches also attribute the presence of PMS to foods that are consumed regularly, so that if you control the intake of these can lessen the discomfort considerably.

Diet and menstruation
Although it can not establish what is the largest of the discomfort generated during the menstrual period, the retention of grave concern because of significant discomfort reason and weight gain. The difficulty in disposing of body fluids is because during the normal menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone rise after ovulation until the day of menstruation, but the presence of factors such as stress can produce that progesterone does not reach the amount required and that this will retain liquids.

For some women, especially those over 30 years of age, this means weight gain of 3 to 4 kilos on average, which also contributes to emotional changes such as depression and irritability. Moreover, the bloating is usually accompanied by swelling in ankles and fingers.

To combat this problem we recommend the reduction of salt in the diet, not only in food preparation but also avoid eating processed those that contain too much, as fast soups, canned foods and chips, for example .

In some women to follow these measures is not complete solution to fluid retention, so many doctors prescribe diuretics (drugs that motivate action to urinate).

Our intention is to help you before and during the days of the menstrual period are less discomfort and not confine to bed, so here are a diet that will not help significantly to keep liquids down, the regime should be started five days before menstruation and followed for two days with it, only feel better, lose at least a kilo, do not hesitate.

With tact and patience
As expected, marked diet will help considerably, but followed other care the results are multiplied, which is why we indicate below what steps can be of great benefit in these difficult days:
Water. Do not stop taking the vital fluid, but the intention is to prevent their accumulation, as a dehydrated body will assist in the retention, drink water for at least 6 to 8 glasses a day.

Calcium. This mineral can help prevent fluid retention and is found in milk and dairy products, mainly.

Fiber. It is known that consumption of foods rich in fiber helps to lower estrogen levels and prevents fluid retention. The so-called soluble fiber retains water during digestion and transformed into a gelatinous substance, which slows digestion and absorption rate of nutrients from the stomach and intestines can be found in oats, barley, nuts , seeds, beans, lentils and some fruits and vegetables. In turn, the recognized non soluble accelerates the passage of food through the stomach and intestines, adding bulk to the stool, is consumed in foods such as wheat bran, vegetables and whole grains.

Pineapple. It has potent diuretic, i.e. it promotes urination, it is also easily digested and contains significant amount of fiber to prevent constipation.

Infusions. Some herbs act as diuretics and can help reduce fluid retention, such as dandelion, others, such as valerian, chamomile or linden, administered in the same way, are very useful to be calm and reduce stress.

Vitamin B6. By helping to stabilize hormone levels, is recommended to increase the consumption of foods containing this nutrient, such as whole grains, green vegetables, lean meats, dairy products, beans, eggs, chicken and fish.

Iron. Since this mineral is necessary for the formation of blood, in women is particularly important to recover fluid loss during menstruation and thereby avoid anemia states.

Moreover, to reduce other uncomfortable symptoms already mentioned to avoid processed foods, refined sugars and fats, for example, chocolate, alcohol, pizza, cola and hamburgers, dairy products, meats and red meats.

Note that to reduce the discomfort of PMS is desirable during exercise, which improves blood circulation, provides a sense of well being and energy, and helps alleviate symptoms and regulate fluids in the body, it is recommended to walk, bicycle, skating and swimming, at least 30 minutes a day.

Finally, we can not fail to mention that there are medications that help in times of crisis, such as pain reliever, indicated if they have headaches, back and abdomen.

Women of childbearing age need not suffer in those days when it seems that life is a torment for the inconvenience of menstrual period, all knows what to eat, which modify the behavior of the body and mood.

Get more information on Irregular Menstruation Treatment and Irregular Periods Remedies. Also get more information on remedies for menopause symptoms

Diet of the Moon, the cardiologist, tomato soup, banana and even Antidote ... All are advertised as "the best" against overweight, but none will benefit you. Here are some tips to eat right before you start….

Humans are accustomed complicate our existence. Believe it, many times we should follow the guidelines are before our eyes and do not want to see. This distortion of reality also appears when you decide to change our eating habits, especially if the diet we adopt is to acquire a shape and not to give our bodies what needs to function properly.

Opt for fad diets, which follow the dazzling Hollywood star or recommend that one of your friends because "blown down weight", you can put your health at risk, sometimes with serious complications.

Save yourself the query
Many of us know the famous food pyramid or a plate of good food (come on, come up in the box bread wrappers), and although surely this information was part of one of your classes, most do not take into account.

A proper diet is one that meets these points:
* That is complete, which means that you should always include foods from each of the three groups. A practical example is as follows: at breakfast you eat a serving of fruit, a glass of milk (the group of animal products and leguminous) and a slice of bread box, which corresponds to the group of cereals and tubers.
* Should be varied, so that if in the morning drank orange juice, it is preferable that you choose a banana afternoon and evening a bit of papaya.
* Should be sufficient, in other words, we must consume the total amount that your body should get. Everyone knows if you eat more or less than you need, and there is no need to go to an expert.
* Should prefer foods from cereals and fruits and vegetables, while reducing fat and refined flour.
* The diet should be free of germs.

This plan is recommended for the general population, but in the case of young people is advisable to consume more fruits and vegetables, "because they are in an age in which there is still growth and is necessary that the body receives more vitamins and inorganic nutrients. In the case of adolescent girls begin to menstruate and their need for vitamin C and iron grow. These elements are found naturally in fruits and vegetables, primarily. "

Calories and fad diets
Each population group has different needs of energy or calories. In the case of adolescents and youth, the average energy requirement is between 2.000 and 2.300 kcal per day.

"They would begin to talk about the problems which we face today, because we could divide the case into two main branches: Obesity as such, and eating disorders. The first is a disease characterized by excess body fat, which eventually facilitates the development of chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes (excess blood sugar) and cardiovascular disease. "

The population in general and youth in particular, "believe there is magic food can be eaten in excess, and others that can be eliminated to lose weight and achieve an ideal figure. Finally, these diets are mostly very low in calories, are unbalanced and are not complete, i.e. not have the characteristics that have a regular regimen".

People who do not eat properly, "lose water weight and muscle mass but not body fat. The weight is made up of several components: fat, water, muscle, bone and organs, and fat should have a certain percentage. "

Teens who do not eat properly, "lost a lot of water and muscle, but not fat as such, because their diet is unbalanced and do not eat fruit, vegetables or grains, that is, the body does not receive enough glucose, so it uses protein (muscle mass) to convert it into glucose. Fat, then it still retains, while lose minerals such as iron and alter the levels of hemoglobin (responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood). Obviously, problems may manifest anemia and malnutrition,".

Disorders of anorexia and bulimia (repeated episodes of excessive food intake followed by vomiting or using laxatives) has risen, and now, contrary to what happened when they met the first cases, the problem has declined in the social scale, so young, middle-class and even medium-low, have been involved in this disorder.

Anorexia and bulimia have a psychic origin related to inattention in childhood, depression and low self-esteem, and manifests itself in destructive eating behaviors that can cause serious problems.

"Those who venture into this imbalance stop feeding, become less snacks, breakfast and not throw up. Repeat the table: lose muscle mass, but there are more problems with vomiting, and damage to the esophagus (there may be ulcers and bleeding, as with gastritis), and begin to experience problems of dehydration, vitamin deficiency , very dry skin, poor teeth and nails, in addition to hair loss. "

The impact on young people "may vary according to each person's genetics and the time suffering from the disorder, but weight loss is very rapid. In the medium term there may be long-term anemia and other manifestations we have said, including the suspension of menstruation, which is a kind of defense of the body. "

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The exfoliation of the face and body at least twice a week, ensuring a true epidermal regeneration, by completely eliminating dead cells that remain attached to the surface layer. The result is lighter and better absorption of creams, which increases its effectiveness.

The skin renews its cells naturally (in the bathroom, with the touch of clothing ...) approximately every 30 days. But over the years, the abuse of aggressive cosmetics, the stress, Etc., This process slows down and dead cells are accumulated, toxins and impurities in the outer layer of skin.

The exfoliation is committed to eliminating these "wastes" that are deposited in the horny layer and, if not removed, leaving the skin dull, rough and thick. That's its primary function, but has other advantages: it activates micro-circulation, restores vitality to the skin to look dull and tired, and eliminate "barriers" in the epidermis, so the best treatment creams penetrate and multiply their effectiveness.

The frequency applications typically specify the same products, but usually use 2-3 times per week. If the skin becomes irritated, it means that exfoliation is still excessive, so it should be suspend.

Treatment for summer or winter?
All year, although it should be more in the winter, because during the cold months is a more impurities as sweating, which helps sweep toxins, Is lower.

Going head or body?
In face and body, but differently. The body skin is drier than the face because the layer hydro-lipid is less dense and has less sebaceous gland, and this causes the accumulation of dead cells is higher. Therefore, the peeling is more necessary in the body which on the face.

Types of scrubs
There two types of exfoliation: Chemistry and mechanics. The first is performed with lotions made with acids (alfahidro-xiacidos mostly), which dissolve the bonds holding together the dead surface cells. The mechanical exfoliation is performed with mitt or cosmetics granules flakes of skin, which can then be removed with water.

It is precisely the most common mechanical exfoliation. We can find in a cream products, in which composition include spherical micro particles derived from coral, egg shell, oyster shell ... In addition to smooth the skin, activates circulation. They can also take the form of gel (the pellets are more "soft" and often include cleaning ingredients). Also marketed as soap, which cleanse and exfoliate in one gesture, but the drag is lower. The latter two, being the least aggressive, are usually recommended when the epidermis is thin and very sensitive.

How to use
➤ Whatever the type of product, it is important to apply with massage. This must be soft, in a circular motion and wide in the belly, buttocks and upward, legs and arms. It can be done with the open palm or a sponge or mitt. The exfoliation of the face and neck should be made directly with your fingers.

➤ Some apply on dry skin and then rinsed. Most are spread over wet skin (can be done in the shower) and massage until the cream disappears and only the product are the "pellets". The excess is removed with the shower water or a sponge.

Ideal ...
It is always advisable to deep clean the skin, but there are situations where it is almost essential...
➤ To prolong your tan. Reinforces the peel color, removing dead surface cells that tarnish the golden hue.
➤ Before applying the self tanner, To obtain a result truly uniform.
➤Before depilation, In order to prevent the hair remaining under the skin.

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Hyper sexuality is characterized by frequent genital stimulation which, once achieved, may not satisfy emotionally or sexually. Sometimes accompanied by feelings of frustration, discomfort, lies and guilt. The threshold for defining what is hyper sexuality is subject to debate, and experts wonder whether there is a scientifically and diagnosis.

What is certain is that each person has their sexual frequency, not to be confused with hyper-sexuality. What some may be much, for others it is little. Ideally, there is compatibility with your partner, as is the way to avoid conflicts. For example, if a woman has a desire to have sex once a week and her boyfriend every day, inevitably one of the two, a priori, will suffer. One will have to give in to the desire of others and resign himself.

In the event that the couples not reach agreement, it is recommended to deal with a sex therapist. The goal is to reach a middle point of satisfaction.

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Some women feel sexual desires many times in the day, which is exacerbated its normal frequency. And they are unmet. In many circles they are called nymphomaniacs. These can specify sex or masturbate in front of the excitement caused by the desire to have orgasms, but still are not met (physically or emotionally).

In fact feel quite upset and negative impact on all areas of your life, especially her couple, as their addiction becomes uncontrollable and happens to occupy the number one on their list of priorities. That can not be!

The case of men
The hyper-sexuality also has a side manly. And that can happen to men and in fact much more frequently (from the statistical point of view). In this disorder is called satyriasis.

Currently, this description is considered a sexual disorder called hyper sexuality and it happens to both women and men. From a biological standpoint, there is an excessive increase of dopamine (known as the hormone of euphoria and love).

Also in the people labeled bipolar hyper sexuality appears in the manic period.

Do not obsess!
However, there is a limit that makes the hyper sexuality of a desire to gain pleasure, and here also involves many aspects. It should be borne in mind that in stage infatuation usually has lots of sex, anytime, anywhere. Lovers live a sexual enhancement and sometimes uncontrolled. It is common for job performance decay and other daily activities.

It generates a peak of dopamine in the brain, where the world disappears. This is normal and expected. If you happened or are happening to you, do not panic nor relations with hyper sexuality, is this passion and infatuation. In fact the bad news is that this phase is short and appears true sexual frequency over time, as the true personality of the couple.

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Not as bad as frequent. The osteoarthritis, so widespread, affecting mainly the joints of the knees, hands and hips, but sometimes the spine, and is due to degeneration of cartilage covering the ends of bones. May occur prematurely if the joints have been extensively used, as in some sports and professions. Sometimes quite incapacitating consequences, such as in arthritis hip, which in extreme cases require a hip replacement implant.

The tendinitis is inflammation of a tendon, is hip, shoulder, knee, or Achilles tendon. Tendinitis can develop a force overuse these body parts in a sport or a repetition of movement in any profession or manual. It is not uncommon; for example, see hiker’s patients suffering tendinitis in his heels after a long march with the wrong shoes, what has caused repetitive micro trauma to the Achilles tendon.

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The sciatica is also very common. It often appears after exercise or poor posture, and is manifested by pain in the lower back at the level of the lumbar spine (low back). The pain, which can be very disabling, follows the path of the sciatic nerve and sometimes down the leg, along the thigh.

To get an idea of the number of cases, it is considered that the osteoarthritis knee, tendinitis in the arm, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis represent a total of approximately 60% of the diagnoses of rheumatism.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?
The arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints. There is talk of mono-arthritis if it affects only one joint, oligoarthritis if it affects some more, until three, and poly-arthritis when inflammatory signs are present in four or more joints. Many poly-arthritis debut initially as mono-arthritis. Not yet fully know the mechanisms of this disease, also called arthritis chronic progressive, unless is a autoimmune disease.

These occurs more frequency in the joints of the hands and wrists and finally produces deformations and bone loss. It manifests itself especially among 40 and 60 and affects women more. Certain forms may appear after age 70 and approximately ten percent are hereditary.

What is the process of this disease?
The term rheumatoid arthritis means that there are rheumatoid factors in the blood, but not systematically. Normally, inflammation is a sign that our natural defenses, also called immune defenses, are acting against external aggression. In the case of this disease, inflammation occurs in the synovial membrane, which covers and lubricates the interior of a joint. Therefore it is said that the arthritis is an autoimmune disease that attacks the body itself.

Another feature is the alternation of periods of crisis, also called "shoots", during which the pain can be particularly intense, and periods of calm. Inflammation is manifested in multiple environments at once: in the symposium in the tendon sheath, cartilage and bone. As a result of inflammation, synovial membrane produces more fluid than necessary, it is accumulated, the membrane becomes thicker, the joint becomes swollen, the surrounding tissues harden and become painful. This process can cause irreparable damage to the joint, producing deformations and eventually disability. The rheumatoid arthritis is recognized as a disabling disease.

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It is a progressive disease characterized by generalized low bone density. In the osteoporosis, the bones become more porous and silently progressive and fragile, increasing the risk of fractures. The disease has no symptoms at first, and often the diagnosis is reached after one or more fractures, when bone mass may have decreased to 30%.

Osteoporosis is increasingly affecting women. The good news is that this disease can be prevented and treated. To do this, you should take the following steps:

Find out your risk factors.
In addition to being female and having left behind the fertile age, other personal factors that affect the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. Thin women with small bone structure have greater risk than plumper and larger bones

Monitor the levels of calcium and vitamin D.
All adults, men and women, we need a minimum of 1,000 mg (1 gram) of calcium daily. Requirements will increase to 1,500 mg daily mg/2.000 after menopause for women (from 65 for men)... Since the body absorbs calcium limited time, it is best to divide the total in divided doses, preferably with meals consumed. Many calcium supplements contain vitamin D, absolutely necessary to absorb calcium and prevent osteoporosis.

Follows intelligent diet.
All experts agree that it is best to consume the dose daily calcium through the diet Rather than through supplements, especially since food is a "nutritional package" rich in nutrients that act synergistically. Here are some suggestions:
• Do not deprive yourself of dairy ... but take them without cream. Or semi-skimmed milk, yoghurt, dairy desserts and cheese have all the calcium light, without the fat saturated (which increases levels of cholesterol and form deposits in the arteries).
• More green means more calcium. Besides plenty of calcium, green leafy vegetables, spinach, turnip greens, collard greens, and broccoli - have foliate, potassium and vitamin K, which help to "lock" the loss of calcium from the bones. One suggestion: In addition to solo, all these vegetables are rich in purees, with pasta and rice with vegetables with white sauce (made with skim milk and olive oil) ...
• Take fish. Eaten with bones, sardines and anchovies canned ones are especially rich in calcium. Oily fish, sardines and anchovies in addition, are the tuna and bonito, mackerel, horse mackerel, herring, salmon ... - are particularly rich in vitamin D.
• Pride soybeans. Soy (in its natural form) is not only rich in calcium, but contains substances that act like estrogen in the body and help maintain bone density. Do not know how to incorporate soy to your diet? Look on the shelves of supermarkets. Find from bean sprouts (very good in salads) to tofu, to soy flour (you can use instead of flour in the kitchen), cookies and even soy burgers...
• Includes onions in your salad. Several animal studies have shown that consumption of onions reduces the degradation process that leads to bone osteoporosis... Does not take much to make a profit; just include some onion rings on the sandwich or salads daily.
• Proteins, the just. Excess protein increases the excretion of calcium, so experts advise limiting consumption to 50 grams of protein daily (63 grams for men). (For your personal computer, remember that 200 grams of beef has 40 grams of protein.)

Change your lifestyle.
• Quit smoking. One in eight hip fractures in women is related to smoking. It is also known that people more 80 years who smoke have twice the risk of spine and hip fracture risk by 50% higher than nonsmokers. Even more: Fractures not only take longer to heal in smokers / as, but much worse heal.
• Beware of alcohol. Although 1 or 2 glasses of wine a day are heart, the recommendation is limited to that amount. In addition to other risk (for example, liver), excess alcohol prevents the body absorb calcium properly.
• Move more Exercise strengthens bones.
• Avoid depression. It is shown that depression causes the body to produce cortisol, hormone stress to "steal" minerals to the bones. Several studies have found that women diagnosed with depression clinic have lower bone density in spine and hip than those who do not have that problem. If you have symptoms depression, go without delay to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Not only will avoid mental suffering, but your bones will thank you, very much. Another effective remedy in depression: do outdoors. Sunlight and contact with nature are sometimes more effective than pills.

http://www.herbalcureindia.com/remedy/ - Information on How to Prevent Osteoporosis and joint pains relief and rheumatoid arthritis treatments.

More than 3.5 million people with diabetes in world, most over 50 years. In addition to age, family history of diabetes and obesity are risk factors. Experts say the best prevention against diabetes is good information.

What is diabetes?
• It is a disease that affects how the body processes and uses food for energy. Its main symptom is glucose high (sugar) levels.
• The body converts carbohydrates protein and fat food into glucose, the main source of energy for cells.
• For glucose, the cells need insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas.
• The hormone insulin acts as a key: allows glucose to pass through the cell wall. In the absence of insulin or when the body does not react properly to the insulin, glucose does not reach the cells and remains in the bloodstream. As a result, blood sugar levels increase.
• When blood sugar levels remain high, we talk about diabetes. If those chronically high levels of sugar are not treated, they produce damage throughout the body. Poorly treated diabetes is at greater risk of lead to blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy, including heart attacks and ictus.

Is there a cure for diabetes?
• Diabetes is a chronic disease with no cure.

When should I call the doctor?
• Diabetes requires a close relationship with the doctor and regular visits.
• At the risk of dehydration involved in disease, you should contact your doctor immediately if vomiting or diarrhea or when fluid intake is impossible for some reason.
• Any significant change in blood sugar levels must be reported to the doctor.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Associated with high levels of sugar and include:
• Excessive urination
• Intense thirst
• Appetite exaggerated
• Weight loss
• Increased risk of infections (especially skin infections and vaginal yeast and yeast)

How is diabetes diagnosed?
• Blood tests determine the levels of sugar. The photo is taken in the morning, fasting. Normally levels remain between 70 and 100 milligrams of sugar per deciliter (mg / dl), despite an overnight fast.
• When fasting glucose levels exceed 125 mg / dl were diagnosed with diabetes.
• Values above 124 mg / dl required for signs and risk factors that may increase the likelihood of complications. These are the most important risk factors in the physician shall be:
• Obesity, especially abdominal (worse for the "apple type" the "Pear", in which the fat accumulates in the hip).
• Hypertension
• Deposits or filtration of blood in the retina.
• Loss of sensation in the legs.
• Weak pulse in the feet or abnormal pulses in the abdomen.
• Blisters, ulcers or foot infections

How is it prevented?
The best preventive measures are:
• Maintain proper weight.
• Follow a diet balanced.
• Exercise daily (at least half an hour of moderate physical activity per day).

Despite all this, you can do many things to reduce the risk of complications in diabetes. A diet healthy, appropriate weight and rigorous control of blood sugar levels and cardiovascular risk factors prevent many problems.

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Symptoms of heart attack are more subtle in women than in men. As a result, it becomes more difficult to identify in time a stroke and therefore the risks of mortality rise. Know the signs of a heart attack in women.

1. If cardiovascular disease is only one, why make distinctions between men and women?
Until recently, general medicine and cardiology in particular ignored women in scientific studies. In the absence of specific data, doctors risked undertreated or treated too much to women. For example, symptoms of heart attack are more subtle or different in women. As a result, women themselves and even doctors can not identify an attack time. That could explain why the mortality rate after an infarct is greater in women.

2. What happens to the drugs? Do they act the same in men than in women?
The answer is often different. For example, some thrombolytic (drugs to remove blood clots that clog arteries and cause heart attacks and stroke) act differently in women. If used just as in men, may increase the risk of complications.

3. What are the symptoms different in women?
Both men and women, the most common symptom of a heart attack is some kind of pain, Tightness or discomfort in the chest. However, this symptom may not be sharp, even relevant in women. In fact, signs and chest symptoms are usually not as severe in women. Instead, they are common:
1) Discomfort in the neck, shoulders, back and abdomen
2) Shortness of breath
3) Nausea and vomiting
4) The sweats
5) Dizziness and confusion
6) The feeling of severe tiredness...

4. What to do in case of doubt?
In the presence of Heart Attack Symptoms or at the slightest suspicion, women (and men) should call emergency immediately and indicate their status and act upon the instructions directed. Of course, not affected or affected to take the car in any case.

5. Few people know that the cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women. Why did not broadcast this reality better?
Many women still believe that the primary cause of death in women is the breast cancer. They have internalized the idea that heart problems are a thing of men. Even women smokers, hypertensive or obese no linkage with risk. The great fear is indeed the breast cancer.

6. What's life with a high risk of heart attack?
The affected may not be able to attend your home, sometimes can not even walk or play with their children. Some women with certain types of heart disease have very poor quality of life. This scenario can be avoided with proper treatment, applied in time. For this, the doctor should be able to recognize the symptoms.

7. What can be done to reduce the risks?
The 3 basic tips are to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking. Women, who are treated, must make their drugs (Beta blockers, anticoagulants, aspirin,) as your doctor prescribes them. Of course, they must control all risk factors: hypertension rates of cholesterol and blood sugar. As for food, the more rich in fresh and raw (fruits, vegetables, fish, legumes, nuts ...) and less abundant in refined products, the better.

8. What kind of physical activity is recommended?
Being active means taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator, walking several miles a day (ideally, buy a pedometer and try to take 10,000 steps a day), sign up for dance classes, hiking or cycling...

9. What are you doing now medicine for women?
Further studies are helping to identify gaps in knowledge and create better treatments. Physicians are increasingly aware of the differences between the sexes and act accordingly. As for women, all information is little to prevent this relentless disease.

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