Low back pain is a widespread problem and the numbers do not lie about it: 8 out of 10 people worldwide suffer from at some point in their lives, and leading cause of disability, after common cold.

What exactly is low back pain? Bottom line is that pain in your lower back (where are located the five lumbar vertebrae) and is responsible for millions of people visit their doctor every year. It has plenty of causes, but the main ones are:
* Make great effort to pull or carry heavy objects (over 30 kilos) and push a car, without the support of a girdle.
* Adopt poor posture while sitting or standing for long hours or remain motionless long periods (there are people who spend more than 6 hours without changing position).
* Having to drive a car accident, fall, run over or suffer even when pushed on public transport.
* For problems of a muscle, bone and joint (related to bones and joints), pelvis and kidney and urinary tract, as can demonstrated by the lower back.
* Specific spinal conditions such as infections, tumors, herniated discs and the lumbar radiculopathy (sciatica or pain radiating down the leg), as well as degenerative joint problems (swelling and "wear").

Experts say back pain is preventable through various measures:
* Maintaining ideal weight in order to avoid overloading of the spine and joints.
* Monitor positions: keep your back straight, choosing a proper seat at work, sleeping on your back or side in a fetal position and sit flat on the seat, not "right next".
* Avoid carrying heavy bags and loaded it as the supermarket, because the weight is shifted to the arms and the tension is reflected in the dorsal cervical vertebrae.
* Avoid bending your back to lift objects off the floor, is best done with your knees bent, keeping your back straight. So the effort is done by the legs.
* Try not to sit or stand more than 2 hours in the same position whenever possible you have to change position, bend your legs and move the muscles in general.
* Children should not carry heavy backpacks (if they charge many useful are advised those with casters); least one shoulder. Nor should women carry heavy bags.
* It's basic constant exercise to maintain muscle tone, especially the lower back, and then we will be able to make a sudden movement and support as a shock mishap or down stairs.

Swimming and yoga for back pain
As the sport more convenient to avoid this condition, both experts agree that the best option is swimming, since it strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and back, plus it is in a position to muscle relaxation and no impact on the floor because there is no gravity. Moreover, it is necessary to 10 laps in the pool, it also helps just dabble.

Other activities that prevent low back pain are yoga (relaxes the spine), bike, walk and run sustained speed, but with appropriate footwear to avoid impacts to the column.

By contrast, sports with a higher risk of causing low back pain are bodybuilding, football, basketball, volleyball and karate. It is therefore essential that the practice is counted with proper equipment, the continued care and directions for practice and used strips or templates prescribed by physicians to avoid severe complications.

A bad back pain treated can cause problems that require more attention and recovery time. It is likely that the lumbar nerve roots tighten and cause a herniated disc or a vertebra displacement, so it's best to go with your doctor as soon as symptoms appear.

http://www.herbalcureindia.com/remedy/ - Information on remedies for low back pain and joint pains relief and rheumatoid arthritis treatments.

Athletes, people who do constant physical effort and the elderly are most affected by this disease in which inflammation of the joint component that prevents the rubbing of the bone with tendons or muscles: the bursa.

Learn about this problem and prevent its occurrence:
While the skeleton is responsible for supporting our body muscles support and protect viscera and internal structures, joints are what allows our body is not a rigid, rough and almost useless, since they are responsible for join two or more bones and make movement possible.

To achieve this, each joint has several components that allow stable movement and reduce the risk of injury that can result from constant use:
* Cartilage. Plain weave, durable and protective cushions and reduces friction between the bone ends.
* Tendons. Tough cords of connective tissue that join the ends of a muscle to bone.
* Ligaments. Similar to the above, just hold the bones together.
* Bursa, synovium or bag. Thin, slippery piece containing synovial fluid cushions and facilitates the actions of joints and muscles, reducing friction.

Painful manifestation
Although men are more prone to illness region, it is common to find cases of inflammation in the bursa of hip, pelvis, elbow, knee, toes (toes) and heel. Also, although the particular symptoms of bursitis causes according to their location, we find the following common expressions:
* Pain.
* Swelling.
* Red skin.
* Heat around the area of the synovium.
* Motion and decreased joint function or difficult.

First of all, prevent
Since most cases of bursitis are due to overuse or misuse of the joint, we offer some measure of protection in regions where the injury is more common:
Shoulders- Try to avoid activities that require stretching your arms above your head for long periods. Do not move your shoulder repeatedly for a long time (like when snorted or do push-ups). Perform range of motion exercises (consisting of gentle mobilization of a joint along the normal range) to maintain strength and flexibility, and maintain good posture when performing everyday tasks, keeping your back straight.

Elbows- Do not use tools or pens too tightly and avoid repetitive movements of hands and fingers. Do not lean on elbows, and avoid hitting them. Use a rubber band in the region during physical activity, especially if you play tennis or baseball batting.

Wrists and hands- Try not to repeat the same movements of the hand for extended periods and, when possible, use forearm or entire arm instead of just the wrist or hand. Take frequent breaks when performing manual tasks, try to work with tools or utensils with handles suitable, good size, and when lifting heavy objects, keep your palms open and flat.

Knees- Use this area guards to perform gardening or others have to crawl for a long time, and try not to sit for long periods (get up every half hour and walk around). It is also important to do daily exercises to strengthen, and lift your legs extended, because strong muscles in the thighs (quadriceps) provide additional support for this joint. Do not forget to warm up before sports practice, and if during this one must make a turn while standing, turn your whole body instead of turning the stem only from the waist. Maintain an ideal weight, as this part of the body suffers much obesity.

Hips- When lifting from the floor, bend your knees rather than your back or hips. Sit in overstuffed chairs and try to use proper footwear if the length of his legs is different.

Ankles and feet- When exercising, wear tennis that give you good support and make sure your practice is carried out on flat or level. In the everyday, buy shoes that are comfortable and allow good movement of the limb. Use templates to their heels when recommended by your doctor.

Finally, remember that the care of our joints allow us to maintain adequate mobility, freedom of movement and independence, making it a wise decision to provide for their proper functioning.

http://www.herbalcureindia.com/remedy/ - Information on remedies for bursitis pain and joint pains relief and rheumatoid arthritis treatments.

In this article we told you all about fiber; this carbohydrate is present in many fruits, grains and vegetables and is a necessary component of a balanced diet, but why?

The fiber is known for not being digested by our body, which for many means you do not need it, big mistake!, the reality is that this hydrate is important for our body as the food containing it also provide Vitamins and minerals needed to maintain our health in good condition, further favors the intestinal transit, One of its most popular and provides a feeling of fullness, making it an ideal partner in the subsistence.

Fiber is also the best accessory for reduce cholesterol, Foods such as oats or lentils favor the reduction of this silent enemy and also prevent intestinal re-absorption of cholesterol produced by the bile, so it is important to consume these foods, or other like apple or strawberries if you want to improve your cholesterol levels.

Just another great benefit?, Helps regulate levels of sugar in the blood as it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestinal, which causes glucose absorption becomes slower, benefiting patients diabetes type I and II, You'll notice the difference when consuming foods such as nuts, Chickpeas or orange. Do not think twice, including 30 grams of fiber in your diet daily and enjoys all its advantages.

Dietary fruit (ripe grapes, pineapple, melon and watermelon) have no limit on quantities.

Each of these fruits has several properties, but is particularly suited for problems circulation (grapes), the obesity (Pineapple), throat irritation (the melon) and heart (watermelon).

DIET OF GRAPES: Take ripe grapes whole, with skin and seeds. In the skin of grapes are substances called fablonoides that activate the circulation. The nuggets reduce cholesterol levels.

Pineapple Diet: The heart of pineapple contains bromelain, which serves to activate metabolism. This diet is also very indicated for hoarseness, which will disappear taking pineapple in 24 hours.

DIET OF MELON: Melon is a fruit with considerable wealth in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin A. This diet is diuretic something preventive laxative and throat irritations.

DIET OF WATERMELON: 93% of the watermelon is water so that the fruit is potent diuretic, well suited for patients of heart and kidney. As the melon is rich in vitamin A, carbohydrates and potassium.

http://herbalcureindia.com/remedy - Information on how to boost immune system,weight loss pills and remedies for gastric problem.

Diabetes and sexual problems - Both men and women with diabetes are affected by sexual problems and occur in adults of all ages because of damage to nerves and small blood vessels.
One of the most sensitive to the man who has been diagnosed diabetes is the incidence of the disease on their sexual activity. Although this disease affects a greater or lesser degree for both sexes in the performance of the sexuality Generally, men avoid discussing the matter due to sexist patterns typical of different cultures.

About 50% of male patients with a diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus (http://www.herbalcureindia.com/healthcare/back-pain.html)who have been admitted sexual disorders. Most agree that it has diminished the ability to achieve erection and maintain it until penetrating the vagina.

This is understandable when one considers that the disease causes circulatory disorders and damage to certain nerves, including the parasympathetic, which are responsible for sending any signal to the brain stimulating and allow relaxation of the muscles of the body by increasing blood flow on around the male sexual organ, which hardens when filled with blood.

Like women, men with diabetes should become familiar with the disease and learn to control it to reduce the negative impact on the sexual health.

Factors may contribute to increased sexual disorders:
* Blood glucose level high due to lack of control of the disease.
* Existing time span from diagnosis, the more time passes the greater the chance of having erection problems.
* Lack of communication between partners.
* Depression.

It is very important that you establish an open dialogue with your doctor where you expose your worries and fears, is the only form of benefit with the help they can give you depend on your specific case. Excellent results are obtained through sexual therapies, with the administration of certain medications and even surgical methods.

You can also have abnormal ejaculation, Which can be early or retrograde, as a result of the disease, but the question is not abattoir but face difficulties and seek solutions to them.

All the disorders themselves diabetes can be minimized if you meet the golden rules applicable to all patients regardless of sex or age, and to improve the quality of life and promote a satisfactory sexual activity:
* Check and keep tabs on blood glucose levels.
* Conforms to the letter medical indications.
* Do not treat yourself, only the physician can defines the appropriate treatment.
* Practice exercises and eat a healthy diet.
* Avoid ingestion of alcohol.
* Get support for your partner and familiarizala with the disease, thus the to find new ways to enjoy sex

Information on male libido enhancer techniques and increase sexual desire and herbal treatment for impotence to get more sexual pleasure.

Healthy Life
In your daily routine to take a moment to work, another exercise, personal care, to share with your family, your friendships, to cultivate leisure, but spend adequate time with your meals?

If you're one of those super women living and running a tight schedule, insurance will cost you to sit eat calm, try and enjoy every bite. Pause in a busy life is not easy, but necessary. Therefore, in we tell you about the importance of set times for our feeding.

First, as more and better chew food Easier it is for your body make the process of digestion, which reduces the likelihood of that heaviness and discomfort stomach when we eat so typical of an accelerated basis.

Science has already said many times, eating slower means eat less because we are able to meet the portions we enjoy eating and more food that when we do so distracted or accelerated. Taking time to the three main meals of the day becomes a commandment for women who are diet and seek control your anxiety.

However do not just try to eat slowly, but doing so at the appropriate times. Establish schedules is vital to our health, it reduces the anxiety caused by long periods without eating, it helps to nourish a healthy and reduces the production of sugar in the blood, as well encourage the prevention of problems Stomach such as gastritis, ulcers and diseases of the colon.

So now you know: make a change, spend quality time your meals and herbalcureindia.com/lifestyle/ notice the benefits in your health.

Hair Loss Problem, Why Hair fall
Perhaps the fear of losing hair is not exactly something that sneaks up on you day and night, but when you start to see the comb after each brush full, it is time to act against hair loss.

Baldness mainly pursues men, but we must not neglect because the constant use of hair accessories, hairdryer, iron and all treatments to which we subject our hair could lead to his downfall, but the solution is in your kitchen Hidden in some foods.

The fiber present in whole grains and grain is a great ally to keep our hair healthy and strong, as it provides folic acid and vitamin B6, required for oxygenation of the follicles.

Antioxidants, Great for fighting free radicals, promote hair growth also in special those containing vitamins C such as citrus and spinach, because this nutrient plays a major role in the synthesis of collagen, A compound hair it is necessary to keep it healthy.

Meat, Which contains zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and iron is one of the best foods for strengthen our hair and prevent its fall, so you should include in your diet Besides eating foods rich in Vitamin A and take at least two liters of water day, a habit that will help keep skin and hair hydrated and in good condition.

End the hair loss Watch what you eat and welcome a strong and healthy hair.

http://herbalcureindia.com/lifestyle/ - Information on natural hair care for hair loss treatment. And more about how to re-grow lost hair in natural way.