Unfortunately the joy of parenting is not satisfied in all couples, because many factors influence fertility is not present in any of its members. In particular, women may experience some anomalies that the specialist should evaluate.

In some women it is easy to detect and resolve problems that prevent pregnancy, but unfortunately not so in all cases. However, to confirm extensive evaluation is necessary to know the cause of the problem and from that point further treatment.

Fortunately, today there are several options for the majority of infertile couples to enjoy the joy of parenting, such as advanced reproductive techniques, and in latter case, adoption.

However, before reaching this we must make a series of tests that will determine whether the failure of gestation due to an abnormality in the body of the partners.

Especially man must comply with a general physical examination, to know their health status, and an analysis of semen-called-spermatobioscopy to evaluate viscosity, macroscopic and microscopic appearance, level of acidity (pH), as well as the account and sperm motility, must be performed after 2 to 3 days of sexual abstinence.

In turn, the female exam starts with careful clinical history will be recorded in the personal and family history of conditions in general. It will also be necessary to know the age at which was presented first menstruation (menarche), the frequency of subsequent, sexual history and emotional relationship of the couple.

Then there will be a gynecological examination to rule changes that could prevent pregnancy, from the absence of organs to malformations in the vagina and uterus or womb.

It is important to know...

Overall, the gynecologist can assess the presence of fertility problems if after about a year of constant sexual activity the couple could not conceive. From the above, the specialist will indicate the following tests:
Evidence of insemination. It asks the couple having sex in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and between 2 and 20 hours were extracted with a pipette (a kind of funnel-shaped spoon) a drop of cervical mucus, which can be seen at microscope to check for motile sperm, opening the possibility of pregnancy. This test is done in the doctor's office, is painless and takes just minutes.

Thyroid profile. It measures the potential imbalance in thyroid hormones, which determines how nutrients are utilized by the body and most organs do their job properly. Most commonly, the doctor ordered if you have any suspicion about any change, such as growth or glandular nodules (tumor).

Hormonal profile. This test will determine the optimal functioning of sex hormones, as there is the possibility that pregnancy does not occur in the absence or irregularity in ovulation, which may be related to poor quality of cervical mucus resulting from hormonal changes, this problem occurs frequently in obese women, a condition that produces insulin resistance (occurs but is not used and tends to accumulate) and causes loss of contact between the pituitary gland (regulates ovulation, among other functions) and ovaries.

Hysterosalpingography. X-ray of female genital tract is performed with an empty bladder, after the end of menstruation and before ovulation. A substance is injected visible to X-rays, vaginally, to cover the cervix and fallopian tubes in order to detect uterine scar tissue, polyps (surveys of the uterine lining), fibroids (benign tumors) or abnormalities in the cavity uterine abnormalities that may interfere with embryo implantation or may increase the incidence of abortion, occurring in approximately 5% of infertile women. The test does not require anesthesia, although some patients report some discomfort.

Hysteroscopy. It involves inserting an optical instrument (usually fiber optic) and cannula (tube of special material) vaginally to examine the uterus and the presence of polyps, septum (abnormal formation of tissue that can divide the uterus) and fibroids (tissue in the wall of the uterus), these abnormalities are usually corrected surgically during the same clinic visit. Although usually performed under general or local anesthesia, after the procedure patients experience discomfort subsides with medication. When removing the hysteroscope, a sample (biopsy) of endometrium (tissue lining the inner walls of the uterus) to confirm the day of the menstrual cycle is consistent with the statement by the patient.

Falloscopy. Special equipment is used to determine if the fallopian tubes are blocked, a fact that is the cause of approximately 35% of all infertility problems. It is performed under anesthesia and an optical fiber is placed in each tube through the vagina. High percentage of cases the problem can be corrected by surgery, but if the intervention does not provide positive results the best hope of a successful pregnancy is offered in vitro fertilization, assisted reproduction method that involves removing eggs and sperm, structures that are united in the laboratory to result in an embryo that will later be implanted in the uterus to develop.

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