Many computer users report problems in hands, wrists and even elbows, because the use of keyboard and mouse strains and overuse cause which in turn generate pain that limits the ability to work properly.

The most common complication is called "mouse elbow" and carpal tunnel syndrome, which is inflammation of the tendons close to the median nerve (responsible for movement of the thumb, index and middle), which compress them. The result is the sensation of tingling in the fingers, wrist pain, loss of strength in the hand and even some discomfort in the elbow.

It should be mentioned that this problem occurs mostly in people whose anatomy favors the appearance of the disease (in them is very narrow carpal tunnel, through which the median nerve that connects the fingers to the elbow), and after spending much time using the keyboard with bad position of the wrists.

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To avoid this inconvenience, we recommend the following measures:
* Employ keyboard with an inclination of 10 to 15 degrees, to prevent the forced movement of the joints. This can be seen when it is appreciated that the midline (where the letters "A", "S" and "D") does not rise more than 3 centimeters from the work surface.
* The keyboard has to be stable and not slip. Nor should require much effort to put pressure on the keys.
* Ensure that is aligned directly below the monitor, but slightly oriented toward the right. Taken as reference using the "F" and "J", with small raised dots, as the corresponding index fingers should be on them.
* Also, make sure the keyboard is placed near the edge of the table and make room for comfortably supporting arms and hands, to reduce pressure on the wrists. Also avoid working with the arms outstretched.
* If you must spend many hours at the computer, you can use an ergonomic keyboard, which offers more opportunity for hands off.
* As for the mouse, take care that its shape fits the curve of your hand.
* Take it with a relaxed hand, do not hold hard and use your whole arm to move it.
* You must allow fingers and hand resting on it without activating unexpectedly.
* Should not impart much strength to operate it.
* It is recommended that is easy to slide and, in case of using Mouse Pad, This should facilitate and not impede movement.
* If required, look for a mouse whose management is possible for right-handers.

It is also advised to rest your hands regularly, preferably once every hour. To do this, you can make gentle circular movements with your wrists in both directions, and finger stretch and contract. It is also important to flex, extend, and occasionally the arms down, and pressure a stress ball or sponge to remove stress on the joints and muscles.

Last words
Other factors that while no direct impact on the position used when working on computer increase the tension and stress, creating anxiety and irritation. We refer to sounds that produce too disturbing other systems such as printer, fax and even radio or television.

We suggest as far as possible away from noise sources, avoid music at a very high and preferably use inkjet printers or laser instead of the point, because although they may be a little more expensive less noise and, for labor, are faster and achieve better definition.

Moreover, it is advisable to keep well ventilated place of work and ensure that the temperature is not excessively high or low, as well as cause discomfort, extreme climates favor drowsiness, anxiety and restlessness. Also, excessive moisture in the air can cause dryness of mucous membranes and respiratory complaints such as tingling in the throat or coughing small, so avoid it if possible.

Finally, we recommend interrupting your routine and give variety to the tasks throughout the day, so that does not work in the same position or perform the same activities with their hands for more than two consecutive hours. Consider short rests not waste time, in contrast, will help increase your performance while you avoid problem.

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