The physiological arousal during sleep is a phenomenon that has been studied both by scientists and sexologists. We all happen to be; during sleep we experience states sexual arousal specifically manifested in men and in women. Wet Dreams may accompany by erotic dreams, where Person experience ejaculation of semen during sleep.

The erotic dreams extract images directly from our experiences. That is, our dreams are in a constant state of vigilance and feed on moods and real experiences that we face every day. Furthermore, it seems, our concerns are the starting point where you begin to weave the dreams.

In short, our dream activity says a lot about us and our sexuality. The erotic dreams can have a liberating effect because we allow our deepest impulses and often repressed locate any blockages and allowing therefore free from them.

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Dreams can have a compensatory function and that often arise from non-fulfillment of a wish or unconscious impulse.

If you dream that you have a passionate encounter with a person, is much more likely that real life has a tendency to suppress sexual urges. Thus indicates that there is a need to let go a little more and live life more free and instinctive.

To dream that you are naked not indicate a desire for exhibitionism, but a great desire freedom, to express the "I" deeper.

You might have tired of the social and cultural superstructures; you need to be completely yourself, forgetting the models and limitations imposed by the society around you. The clothing symbolizes the set of habits that we have to cover.

From a sexual point of view, the wet dream suggests a desire to get rid of practices. If you at ease mean that you feel good about yourself and your body.

The discomfort that came to being nude in public reveals the ambivalence of your mood, which is divided into desire and inhibition. The dreams reveal our unconscious fears and, if nudity causes anxiety, it means that we have difficulties in accepting our sexuality and, therefore, 100% live.

More on Nocturnal Emissions treatment and Improves sexual libido and increase sexual desire to get more sexual pleasure.

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