In this article we told you all about fiber; this carbohydrate is present in many fruits, grains and vegetables and is a necessary component of a balanced diet, but why?

The fiber is known for not being digested by our body, which for many means you do not need it, big mistake!, the reality is that this hydrate is important for our body as the food containing it also provide Vitamins and minerals needed to maintain our health in good condition, further favors the intestinal transit, One of its most popular and provides a feeling of fullness, making it an ideal partner in the subsistence.

Fiber is also the best accessory for reduce cholesterol, Foods such as oats or lentils favor the reduction of this silent enemy and also prevent intestinal re-absorption of cholesterol produced by the bile, so it is important to consume these foods, or other like apple or strawberries if you want to improve your cholesterol levels.

Just another great benefit?, Helps regulate levels of sugar in the blood as it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestinal, which causes glucose absorption becomes slower, benefiting patients diabetes type I and II, You'll notice the difference when consuming foods such as nuts, Chickpeas or orange. Do not think twice, including 30 grams of fiber in your diet daily and enjoys all its advantages.

Dietary fruit (ripe grapes, pineapple, melon and watermelon) have no limit on quantities.

Each of these fruits has several properties, but is particularly suited for problems circulation (grapes), the obesity (Pineapple), throat irritation (the melon) and heart (watermelon).

DIET OF GRAPES: Take ripe grapes whole, with skin and seeds. In the skin of grapes are substances called fablonoides that activate the circulation. The nuggets reduce cholesterol levels.

Pineapple Diet: The heart of pineapple contains bromelain, which serves to activate metabolism. This diet is also very indicated for hoarseness, which will disappear taking pineapple in 24 hours.

DIET OF MELON: Melon is a fruit with considerable wealth in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin A. This diet is diuretic something preventive laxative and throat irritations.

DIET OF WATERMELON: 93% of the watermelon is water so that the fruit is potent diuretic, well suited for patients of heart and kidney. As the melon is rich in vitamin A, carbohydrates and potassium.

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