Many people believe that is a kind of poison that we must avoid at all costs. The reality is that we need cholesterol to produce hormones and vitamin D, build cell membranes, transport fats in the body ... However, when the rates of cholesterol in the blood rise above normal values, the cholesterol can be deposited in a "plaque" on the inside of the arteries in the same way that lime is accumulated inside a pipe. Over time, these Deposits of cholesterol can impede blood flow and heart may not receive all the oxygen it needs, which increases the risk of heart attack. Reduced blood supply to the brain can, in turn, cause ictus (Stroke).

Risk Factors
Risk factors for Hypercholesterolemia (And cardiovascular disease): the diabetes, The hypertension, The obesity, The smoking and lack of exercise; Diets rich in Saturated fat (Animal) and trans (Partially hydrogenated vegetable fats, found in many processed products) and cholesterol, A family history of Hypercholesterolemia at an early age, family history of heart disease ...

No symptoms
The problem of Hypercholesterolemia is noteworthy that no symptoms. A blood test is the only way to detect it. Experts recommend a Cholesterol test at 20 years of age and then every 5 years. More frequent tests are recommended if the patient has a family history of Hypercholesterolemia or other risk factors, as smoking or diabetes.

"Good" cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol
In order to circulate in the blood (an aqueous medium), the cholesterol (A type of fat) is bound to proteins. This combination is known as lipoprotein. Three types of lipoprotein:
1. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL, for its acronym in English). The LDL or "bad" cholesterol transports cholesterol particles throughout the body. Excess LDL cholesterol builds up in artery walls and ends up hardening and narrowing the arteries (atherosclerosis).

2. Very low density lipoprotein - This type of lipoprotein takes the maximum associated triglycerides (Another type of fat in the blood, also associated with cardiovascular risk). Like the LDL, The VLDL causes narrowing of the arteries.

3. High density lipoprotein (HDL). The HDL or "good" cholesterol acts as a plunger, removing excess LDL cholesterol HDL cholesterol rates, the lower the cardiovascular risk. Lipid profile. Values total cholesterol above 200 mg / dl and values of LDL ("bad") of over 160 mg / dl an increasing risk of heart attacks and strokes. In turn, HDL ("good cholesterol) above 45 mg / dl significantly reduces that risk. Known as lipid tests, The Cholesterol test values usually include total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

The Hypercholesterolemia is the eve of the atherosclerosis, Dangerous buildup of plaque within the arteries. If the affected atherosclerosis are those that supply blood to the heart (coronary arteries) can cause chest pain (angina).

If arterial plaque breaks or cracks can form a blood clot (thrombus) in the place of rupture and block blood flow there or travel freely and block an artery elsewhere.

A heart attack is a consequence of the interruption of blood flow from the heart. Stroke occurs when blood supply ceases to part of the brain.

Changes in diet, regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking ... help maintain cholesterol at bay. As for food, we recommend a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in saturated and trans fats and refined flours and sugars. As fats are advisable virgin olive oil, nuts and oily fish.

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When the temperature drops is likely to develop respiratory disease, especially if you smoke, because the referral system is weakened. However, to follow our recommendations this winter will be away from problems such as bronchitis.

The air we breathe contains the main source of energy for body cells, oxygen, which rely to carry out their normal activities and that this organism is healthy. This element is taken by breathing through the nose, where it is heated and moistened, plus it is cleaned of impurities by the villi which serve as a filter. On the way to the lungs, the air passes through the trachea, pipeline across ending in two tubes called bronchi (right and left).

The bronchi divide into smaller and smaller tubes, which are called bronchioles, which end in tiny air sacs, called alveoli, whose job is to allow oxygen to reach the blood, while that is collected and used (called carbon dioxide) to remove the breathing (this process is known as "gas exchange").

However, virus or bacteria entering the body affect certain organs, and whether they belong to the respiratory system may generate a cold or flu, For example. When germs get into the bronchi will cause them to swell, giving rise to what we know as bronchitis, which can be acute, if it disappears after several days, or chronic, beginning misleading, as appears to be flu, and over time can slowly drive to have difficulty breathing.

What to do
Bronchitis occurs most often during the winter, since naturally the protection of our body remarkably lowered. It is also caused by influenza-served tables, chronic lung diseases, including tuberculosis (caused by the microorganism Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the infectious nature) and emphysema (abnormal presence of air in the tissues of the lungs that makes breathing difficult) - or because of sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) and chronic allergies in children, problems with tonsils. Do not dismiss it can also be caused by contact with dust, pollution and smoke snuff.

In the first instance be confused with common cold, as there are runny nose, fatigue, chills and sore throat and fever. Nor is it unusual muscle pain, headache, dry cough and, after 1 or 2 days, no spitting up phlegm yellow or green. Occasionally there will be shortness of breath or chest pain when breathing deeply or coughing.

To recognize the extent of disease may be appealed to the analysis of the sputum to identify germs, but if symptoms are persistent need to make a chest radiograph.

Anyway is important to follow these instructions:
* Avoid contact with sick people.
* Keep it warm in cold weather, even using scarf over mouth and nose.
* If you suffer from any respiratory tract infection, must be addressed immediately to prevent it becoming a chronic condition.
* It is recommended to quit smoking and stay away from smoke and dust sources.
* Taking vitamin C helps improve the body's defenses against attack by viruses and bacteria. It is found naturally in foods such as lemon, orange, guava, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, strawberries, kiwi, cantaloupe, green peppers, tomatoes and tomato. It can also be delivered through vitamin supplements.
* Breathe always through the nose, mouth and not to introduce air into the lungs warmer.
* Try to stay indoors on days of temperature inversion or high pollution, preferably with the windows closed.
* Use a humidifier if the air in your home is very dry.

To improve the annoying symptoms you can take a cough suppressant or expectorant counter to relieve coughs, a decongestant for nasal congestion, to control fever an antipyretic, and if there is muscle pain and headaches take pain medicine. If breathing discomfort is constant, you can ask your doctor to prescribe the so-called bronchodilators, Drugs that allow more oxygen to enter the lungs by relaxing and widening of the bronchi, there are in syrup, tablet or spray, sold by prescription only.

Be sure to ask your doctor about breathing exercises, which will help increase strength and endurance of the muscles that control breathing and certain techniques to help clear the lungs of mucus.

Finally, bed rest tries everything possible to refuel if you are a victim of bronchitis. Make awareness about quitting because the weakening of the respiratory tract can lead to "fights" to health as this time we have been busy.

Get more remedies for asthma children and treatment for asthma.Information on bronchial asthma treatment

Obesity is not just a cosmetic issue; it is also a serious medical problem. The obese person is at increased risk of illness and life expectancy is shortened by several years. The fat, Especially that accumulates in the abdomen, is associated with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease ... and even cause death.

But there are many other health problems associated with obesity:
➤ Alterations of the fat of blood, elevated triglycerides and reduced cholesterol of HDL
➤ Increased uric acid and gout
➤ Polycystic ovary syndrome
➤ Acanthuses nigricans, a disorder manifested by darkening and thickening of the skin folds of the neck and elbows, and the spaces between the fingers
➤ Kidney lesions: glomerular disease due to obesity
➤ Osteoarthritis and pain in weight-bearing joints such as knees and hips
➤ Pain of the lumbar spine
➤ Carpal tunnel syndrome
➤ Gynecomastia in men
➤ Menstrual disturbances and loss of menstruation in women
➤ Infertility
➤ Difficulty breathing and further work
➤ Termination or reduced breathing during sleep
➤ gastroesophageal reflux disease
➤ Nonalcoholic fatty liver
➤ Gallstones
➤ Hernias abdominal and inguinal
➤ Fragility of the skin, especially in creases, with frequent fungal infections
➤ Striate gravid-arum
➤ Hyper-pigmentation in chronic venous stasis leg
➤ Swollen legs
➤ Cellulite
➤ Varicose veins leg
➤ Thrombosis leg
➤ Urinary Incontinence
➤ Cancers: in males the esophagus, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver and prostate, in women the gallbladder, bile duct, breast, endometrial, cervix and ovaries
➤ Depression and low self esteem

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