Have you noticed changes in the duration or frequency of the period? One of the first signs that warn of the presence of menopause is the change in menstrual cycles.

For many women make their less regular menstrual cycles, Others have a lighter flow than normal and others may have a stronger flow of what has always been prevalent and lasting much longer time. And even, sometimes the time elapsing between menstruation and another can be variable, so that may occur several spotting between periods or rule appear every two weeks.

This is normal in the perimenopause and we must remember that although it is common for reproductive capacity is lost for some time, during this period there is real risk of pregnancy. Until they reach the menopause real, which occurs when they have passed 12 months of the last menstrual should take extra precautions, since during the Perimenopause cycles are irregular and therefore the time of ovulation, unpredictable.

Get more information on Irregular Menstruation Treatment and Irregular Periods Remedies. Also get more information on remedies for menopause symptoms

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